Certificate 6- One Month membership to our semi private boxing program Donated By No Excuse Boxing Gym – Value $250

Winning Bid: $50.00

1 in stock

Welcome to HARDIO. Instead of just smashing the bag (don?t worry, we do a lot of that too), we introduce a variety of strength and conditioning approaches to our training programs. This includes jump roping, kettlebells, dumbbells, macebells, steel clubs, TRX bands, body weight work, medicine balls, and running. Donated By No Excuse Boxing Gym

Item condition: New

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Csandre - $50.00


Welcome to HARDIO. Instead of just smashing the bag (don?t worry, we do a lot of that too), we introduce a variety of strength and conditioning approaches to our training programs. This includes jump roping, kettlebells, dumbbells, macebells, steel clubs, TRX bands, body weight work, medicine balls, and running. Donated By No Excuse Boxing Gym

Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Highest bidder was: csandre

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
csandre September 17, 2024 10:15 pm $50.00
Auction started September 15, 2024 8:00 am


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