Ummat Tax Law – Tax Lawyers

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1100 Burloak Drive, Suite 300, Burlington, Ontario L7L 6B2

Our commitment is to resolve your tax issues and legal disputes. That is all we do. And we do it extremely well. With superior results, and that’s a promise. We will save you time, taxes and aggravation now and in the future. Our tailored approach, versus off the shelf solutions, will positively impact your bottom line short and long term.

Our tax law practice provides a dual perspective. We are a team of highly competent, effective and highly credible litigators. Furthermore, our insights are based on 11 years of experience having worked for the Department of Justice and the CRA. We also possess a deep know-how when it comes to the client side. This dual perspective helped us to settle and litigate hundreds of court cases over the years.

UMMAT TAX LAW cares about people, advocates for its clients and delivers superior results. We take only as many cases on as we can manage, and service them beyond and above. We pride ourselves on our ongoing, honest and straight-forward client communication. We also meticulously preserve firm transparency, and accountability to our clients is what we live every day. It takes a tax law expert to help to save money, time and minimize taxes.

# We Stand Up For You.

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